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Financial Dictionary

Our Financial Dictionary has definitions of over 300 monetary terms. The dictionary was made to serve as financial edification tool, helping anybody paying attention in learning about finance, and investing.
Our Financial Dictionary has definitions of over 300 monetary terms. The dictionary was made to serve as financial edification tool, helping anybody paying attention in learning about finance, and investing. The Financial Dictionary includes the definitions of the most well-liked and commonly used fiscal terms like loan, credit, financing, credit card, bank, and more. Rather than traditionally grouping the articles and definitions in our financial dictionary alphabetically, we have grouped them into numerous monetary categories, as we consider that the website structure will be more helpful for our visitors this way. Our Canadian visitors seeking for loans, can make use of Canadian Loans directory, and research for monetary provider. The General Finance group explains what borrower and lender is, and defines often used financial words. The Loans section of our financial dictionary, defines what a loan is, and explain various types of loans.
Even though a mortgage is just other type of loan, we have separated it in its own category Mortgages, where you can learn about diverse types of credits, and get familiar with a variety of finance terms. The Banking section of the site deals with other imperative part of our financial life, explaining well-liked banking phrases and terms. We have also created Investing category, which directs you throughout several outlay terms, each shareholder must recognize. The final section of our finance dictionary is the Debt section, which tackles horrid, but nonetheless imperative topics as bankruptcy, debt consolidation, and collection agencies. We’ve recently added an online loan calculator, which is used to compute loan monthly payments and loan interest costs. Home buyers can employ our mortgage calculator to calculate their monthly credit payments. You must be acquainted with to start you off, let me list 10 financial words that you will find helpful. Whilst these words frequently have other meanings not related to finance, I’ll only be discussing them in the fiscal context here.

1. Interest Rate

Interest is the sum the bank (or other moneylender, which is any person or association that gives you money) will arraign you or your company for the cash you borrow from them. That amount, or interest rate, is expressed as a proportion of the loan. As a part of the loan repayment, you’ll have to reimburse the amount of the loan plus interest.

2. Investment

The noun investment refers to cash that you put into your business, possessions, stock, etc., in order to make a profit or earn interest. The word asset can also be used as an adjective. An investment target refers to the location that businesses select to place their investments in.

3. External capital

The word external means outer. Capital refers to your cash or assets. So, outside capital refers to the money that a company obtains from the external resources. The usage of outside capital can assist your company to recover from the topical drop in sales presentation.

4. Cash outflow

Cash outflow refers to the money that your firm spends on its operating expense and other business actions. The solution to surviving in business is to keep an eye on cash outflows and manage them well.

5. Revenue

Your revenue is the quantity of money your business makes from the sale of goods and services. The total sales proceeds from our newest range are anticipated to top $1.5 million this year.

6. Profit

Profit explains the amount of income your company gains after excluding the operating cost, costs, taxes, etc. The goal of each business is to make profit. Since we started advertising on the internet, our company’s profits have raised by 20% over the last year

7. Loss

In finance, we frequently hear the expression profit and loss. Loss is when you mislay money. It’s the contradiction of profit, and it’s a word that no one in economics ever wants to hear. Still, it’s somewhat that can occur when a firm makes less money than it spends. Since we decided to discontinue print advertising, our sales proceeds has suffered a loss of 20% over the last year.

8. Recession

When we converse about a recession, we’re referring to a term of important (major) reject in a country’s financial system that typically lasts months or years. Bloomberg reports that the risk of a worldwide slump is now more than 50 percent after the UK voted to leave the European Union.

9. Debt

Debt refers to any type of borrowing such as loans, mortgages, etc. Debts are a way for you or your firm to borrow money (typically for big purchases) and reimburse it at a later date with interest. I think that we should deem other options to fix our business instead of running into more debt.

10. Collateral

Collateral is something precious, such as a possessions you own, that you vow (provisionally give to) a bank, fiscal company or other moneylender as an assurance of your loan reimbursement. The moneylender will hold your security till your loan is totally paid in full. If you fail to craft your loan payments, the bank will grab (take away) your property to recuperate their losses. This way, there’s no risk that they’ll mislay the money they gave you.